2025-2026 Choices Charter Lottery Waitlist
Please click on the headline to view the Lottery Waitlist.
Families will be officially notified via email the week of March 10th if your child has been "Selected" or "Waitlisted". Reminder: Parents have until April 11th to "Accept" or "Decline" a school's offer of placement on the Unified Enrollment portal (apply.lausd.net). If your child was selected to multiple schools, you must select 1 by this deadline. If you do not select a school, you will automatically decline all options, except for those you were "Waitlisted" for. Also, when "Accepting" an option, you will automatically be Declining the other schools your child was Selected for. Again, this does not apply to the schools your child was Waitlisted for, only Selected. Your child will remain on a school's waitlist until you receive an email or phone call with an offer of placement from them. Please note that a decision to "Decline" will be final and cannot be changed once you make that decision. If you accept, you will be invited to enroll your child in the main office.